Welcome To Our Autism Blog

I am the mother of a wonderful son who has autism. He is in college and has been on the Dean's List for 2 years. It has been a very long, hard, grueling road. Every step of the way has been a blessing.

Advice and Authors on Autism

Dear parents, friends and all others who are interested in reading and learning from the plethora of articles on the internet regarding Autism.
There are some very good, practical, relevent and informative articles written by some learned professionals, parents and especially Autistic individuals themselves, who know what they are talking about. They have a real and proven understanding of the Autism Spectrum and write their 'words' in such a way as to honour and respect the dignity, value and personhood of the Autistic person.
But, lately I have been reading up on some articles proclaimed to be written by 'knowledgable' (even 'expert') writers on the net, and I have been perturbed by some of what is being proclaimed as knowledge.
I know I am not alone in my thoughts here.
But I do worry that some parents who are looking for information and 'answers' to their questions may be absorbing some of the misinformation in some of these articles.
Now....having said that, I personally do not proclaim to be an expert regarding the Autism Spectrum (or the greatest writer in the world :)) I listen to and learn from not only my Autistic children, family, colleagues and friends, draw from my own experience, intuition and observation of living with Autism, and am regularly reading the resources of knowledgable writers in the field of Autism. 
When you read an article, to learn something more about Autism, please maintain an inquisitive mind, but moderate your intake of the information by filtering the truth, relevence, fact, fiction, genuineness, 'credentials' (real knowledge and experience) of the writer.
There is much wonderful information about Autism out 'there', but be selective about the information you may apply to your own personal journey with Autism. 
A good place to start building quality knowledge is to include in your reading the many texts and articles available by Autistic authors, parents, some professionals and others genuinely dedicated to providing accurate information and advice.

What many people do, who learn through reading the many sources of information,  they apply many of the suggestions, blocks of advice and info (in general) to their treatment of their children and other persons who are on the Autism Spectrum. 

Lets make sure that this information applied is as correct as it can be, humane, applicable, honourable, ethical and respectful of the actual and real needs and desires of our Autistic children/teens/adults.